E.A.T. Nutrition Program
E.A.T. = Eating Affects Today/Tomorrow
For over half a century this "Heavy, Medium, Light" approach to eating has been used successfully by many thousands of people to attain optimum nutritional wellness and health. From people struggling with serious health issues to the most elite competitive athletes, the Complete Foods Nutrition E.A.T. Program offers dramatic physical and mental improvements to health in a relatively short period of time. This is because the Complete Foods Nutrition approach is based on the universal premise that a person's quality of health is largely based upon the quality of their blood.
The goal of the program is simple:
Consistently Clean the Blood
Consume a sufficient supply of leafy green cleansing foods and high antioxidant fruits and vegetables on a daily basis.
Avoid or replace stimulants and nonfoods with beneficial Whole Foods and/or Whole Food Concentrates.
Consistently Build the Blood
Consume a sufficient supply of protein rich, high amino acid Whole Foods and/or Whole Food Concentrates.
Avoid eating heavy, hard to digest foods after 1pm for optimal blood building absorption and digestion.
Consistently Move (or circulate) the Blood
Activate (or disintegrate) with daily movement and exercise - see 5 Minute Daily Fitness Course section for suggestions.
Experience natural health therapies (i.e. fresh air, moderate sunshine, frequent honeymoons, and other stress relief methods).
Health Food High
To make sure your body and brain are always properly fed (and never nutritionally deficient), we recommend consuming your meals and snacks approximately every 3-4 hours throughout the day. By consistently consuming the foods and nutrients you need most, you will constantly experience a "Health Food High" instead of wasting your nutritional reserves - Remember when your nutritional reserves run out - you run out!
Complete Foods Nutrition E.A.T. Approach
What you eat today is what you are tomorrow, so eat this way:
Times of meals will vary based on individual schedules. Also see our OctoMega Protein Drink recipe (below) to use as a quick, nourishing meal replacement.
6 AM (POWER START) - Beef, Lamb, Venison, Veal, Liver, or other Grass Fed Meats of choice, Fertile eggs, Whole Grain or Gluten-Free Bread, Fresh Fruit (We recommend no scavenger meats - No Pork, Bacon, Sausage, etc).
9 AM (EARLY BOOST) - Add the most necessary Whole Food Concentrate Supplements with 6-8oz of a healthy beverage of choice.
12 PM (SECOND WIND) - Chicken, Turkey, Fish or Fowl, Cottage cheese or Yogurt, Fresh Fruit or Vegetables (No scavenger meats or bottom dwellers - No Shrimp, Shellfish, Catfish, etc).
3 PM (AFTERNOON PICKUP) - Add the most necessary Whole Food Concentrate Supplements with 6-8oz of a healthy beverage of choice.
6 PM (CLEAN FINISH) - Fresh fruit or Raw Vegetables (salad, dips, light stir-fry, etc) use a wide variety for best results - lots of colors and flavors.
9 PM (FINAL UPLIFT) - Use our OctoMega Clean Green Powder with 16oz warm purified water and squeeze of lemon for a complete all night mild cleansing formula - sleep well and wake up nourished and refreshed!
Other Good Foods include: Organic Sweet Potatoes, Brown Rice, Whole Grains (sprouted if possible), Gluten-Free Pasta, Nuts, Seeds, Beans, Lentils, Soups, Stews, Raw Dairy Products, and Fermented Foods of choice.
OctoMega Protein Power Drink
Take 6-8 oz of organic milk, juice, or purified water
Add 1 scoop of OctoMega Whole Food Protein Powder
1 tbsp of OctoMega Oils
1-2 tbsp of Raw Unheated Honey (or other natural sweetener of choice)
Mix in blender until smooth
½ cup of frozen fruit & ½ cup ice
Mix to desired thickness
Use between or in place of meals
"Heavy, Medium, Light" Explanation
The "Heavy, Medium, Light" concept is based primarily on the body’s natural metabolic timeline to digest and assimilate its food and subsequently have the food perform its function in the most efficient and effective way. By consuming the heavier, hard to digest foods in the earlier part of the day (beef, chicken, fish, turkey, etc. which most generally take between 10-12 hours to digest), the body is able to build a longer, hotter fire and generate the power that it needs to perform its duties with strength and endurance throughout the day. The aforementioned "Blood Building" high protein, amino acid rich foods can offer these results when eaten early...
Increased Physical Strength, Energy, Stamina, and Power
Mental Clarity, Alertness, and Quick Memory Recall
Eliminating Stimulant Cravings and Appetite Problems
Fortification of the Nervous System and Brain Function
Reduced Stress, Anxiety, and Depression Challenges
Note: Although red meat and other high protein, amino acid rich foods are necessary for power and strength, they can also be toxic to the body if they are consumed too late in the day. Imagine eating a meal at 6 or 7 pm that takes approx. 10-12 hours to digest! Your body is busy working hard to digest the meal while it's also trying to get restful sleep at night - these two things obviously don't mix! Likewise when we wake up, we feel sluggish and not fully rested. Then we run out the door on a cup of coffee or nothing at all and expect our bodies and brains to perform at peak levels for the rest of the day. This is a formula for disaster, and sadly it's the norm for the vast majority of America. The "Heavy, Medium, Light" approach reverses this disastrous unhealthy formula and replaces it with common sense eating for peak performance.
For Best Results Always...
Eat Heavier Early (breakfast and/or lunch) and Lighter Later!
Use the "Clean Finish" concept at dinner (or supper) time meals of fruits or vegetables at night with purified water for a cleansing, restful sleep filled night and watch your waistline decrease, digestion improve, and bad breath/body odor disappear - really, no kidding!
Although results may vary, we believe that the premise of this program has successfully stood the test of time. We rely strongly on many years of trial and error experience and the fundamental laws of sound cause and effect nutrition and wellness principles. We understand that not everyone can consume every food listed in this program because of environmental or geographical challenges, food allergies, or other adverse conditions. We give these suggestions in a general (not specific) way and we do not claim to be Physicians or Certified Medical Practitioners. These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. Our products and programs are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. We recommend that you consult your physician before starting this program.